More information about “RenderTargetBitmap and scale transformation”, you could refer to this thread for details:

PixelFormats.Default) // Default pixel format Var resizedImage = new RenderTargetBitmap( Using (var drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen()) RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(group, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality) var rect = new Rect(margin, margin, width - margin * 2, height - margin * 2)
Using the attached property on images scaled in code using DrawingVisual/RenderTargetBitmap requires a bit of special code. The Resizer application will always use HighQuality so that it gives the best image quality for any image. To use HighQuality if the image’s scaled size will be less that 30-50% of the original size. In my experience, you can change this behaviour using the RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode attached property. = new ScaleTransform(_size.Width, _size.Height) before rendering the result, but the jpg was just one solid color. Note: I tried calling this drawingVisual.Transform Can I resize result to _size.Width and _size.Height? Using (DrawingContext context = drawingVisual.RenderOpen())Ĭontext.DrawRectangle(new VisualBrush(view), null, new Rect(new Point(), size)) RenderTargetBitmap result = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)size.Width, (int)size.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32) ĭrawingVisual drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual() _size = new Size(view.ActualWidth, view.ActualHeight) The dimensions that I want to convert back to. Size size = new Size(view.ActualWidth * 2, view.ActualHeight * 2 ) Increased dimensions to increase image quality Public static RenderTargetBitmap GetReportImage(Grid view) My question is this: Is there any way to resize the resulting RenderTargetBitmap to the original dimensions of the window? And is it possible to do this without a corresponding loss in image quality? Here's the code I have now. Quality, however, now the dimensions of the resulting image are too large for my purposes. I've increased the size the of the RenderTargetBitmap, which has increased the image

Unfortunately, when the dimensions of the image and window match, the image quality is unacceptably low. MsgBox ( $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "You chose the following files:" & & $sFileOpenDialog ) EndIf FileCopy ( $sFileOpenDialog, "D:\test\poza.jpg" ) EndFunc =>Example global $hBitmap = "D:\test\poza.jpg" _GDIPlus_Startup ( ) Local Const $iW =, $iH = _GDIPlus_ImageResize ( $hBitmap, $iW / 4, $iH / 4 ) resize image _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile ( $hBitmap, & "\MyBitmap.I have an application that gets and saves a picture of an open window.

$sFileOpenDialog = StringReplace ( $sFileOpenDialog, "|", ) Display the list of selected files. FileChangeDir ( ) Replace instances of "|" with in the string returned by FileOpenDialog. FileChangeDir ( ) Else Change the working directory back to the location of the script directory as FileOpenDialog sets it to the last accessed folder. MsgBox ( $MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No file(s) were selected." ) Change the working directory back to the location of the script directory as FileOpenDialog sets it to the last accessed folder. Local $sFileOpenDialog = FileOpenDialog ( $sMessage, & "\", "Images (*.jpg *.jpeg)|Videos (*.avi *.mpg)", $FD_FILEMUSTEXIST + $FD_MULTISELECT ) If Then Display the error message. Local Const $sMessage = "Hold down Ctrl or Shift to choose multiple files." Display an open dialog to select a list of file(s). Expand collapse popup #include #include #include #include #include Įxample ( ) Func Example ( ) Create a constant variable in Local scope of the message to display in FileOpenDialog.